![]() (he's the guy with the brown hair) Name: Takakura Takeo (Pronunciation would be [not including stresses]: "Tah-kah-koo-rah Tah-keh-oh") Age: 17 Grade: Junior Birthday: March 11 Bloodtype: B Takeo is the president and founder of the Magic Club. He's the one who found the main magic wand and created replicas for the club to use. He's known Mizuha since they were kids (unfortunately for him ^_-). He's very defensive about his club (he's trying to keep the manga club from taking over their space centimeter by centimeter ^_-) and is happy they have at least 5 members. He tries to act brave most of the time even though he's a whimp on the inside. He usually says or does things to impress people (er, let me change that to females) which usually gets him into trouble. Oh yeah. Takeo is a pervert. His weakpoint is definately girls (hence why he can never stand up to Mizuha, the busty one ^_-). He has a gutterbrain which is constantly aggrivated by something or another, and occasionally he has mildly perverse fantasies which never come true ^_-.