Episode 3:
Keep in mind that these summaries are pretty detailed and so they therefore contain spoilers. Also keep in mind I missed a few parts (I did this one from memory ^^;) or made a few typos since I wrote it up quickly. It's only meant to give you the jist of things, not to substitute for the episode itself ;)

The episode starts out with Sae writing in her diary. Her older sister comes in and asks her what she's thinking about, implying it's perverted. Sae blushes and snaps at her. It cuts to the next morning when Sae's walking down the street, making a promise to herself not to bump into anyone or anything as well as some others. As she talks she promptly breaks all of her promises ^^;

At school that morning Nanaka asks her if she wants to go to a movie with her afterschool. Sae protests that the have a meeting of the Magic Club and Nanaka tells her she has no life and needs to do new and interesting things once and a while. Meanwhile on campus reporters are interviewing Mizuha about her abduction. A reporter asks her "what part of your body were the Tsurinage after?", she replies it could be many things, like her personality or talent. A reporter remarks it can't be her personality and she kicks him.

That day at the meeting Takeo tells them they're going to learn a new magic that will allow them to defeat the Tsurinage. They gather in a circle around an apple and recite the words from his spellbook. After a long time it starts spinning and they see Akane in the doorway mentioning it wasn't as hard as she thought. She then sets up a towel and starts changing. Takeo has a fantasy involving everyone in the room stripping ^^ Back in reality Akane says she'll pick her clothes up later and leaves.

As she does, Takeo eats a sliver of the apple. After a minute where Nanaka grumbles about Akane they turn and see Takeo has shrunk to a tiny size. He excuses them for the day and tells the girls to practice riding the horizontal bar. Outside, Sae is the only one actually doing it, and Nanaka comments that it's foolish to be doing it and she's waiting until everyone's gone. Meanwhile the boy's track team runs by staring at Sae, then runs back to stare at her again before moving on. Inside Takeo is getting angry because Ayanojou is dressing him up in doll clothing from next door.

Sae and Nanaka are walking down the street, Sae rubbing her butt. Nanaka tells her it's shameful, and Sae gets the idea to make a seat cover for her broom. They go into a fabric store and she picks up enough to quilt a seat for her and a seat for Takeo. They run into Akane on the street, who appears to be heading straight for Sae then stops (Sae then rejoices because it kept her promise ^^). She then borrows Sae's wand and plays a trick on her boyfriend which causes him to float up into the air. He starts yelling and as Akane runs off Sae apologizes and tells him it's only temporary before chasing after her.

Sae and Nanaka run into Akane and Sae tells her she shouldn't do things like that. Akane giggles and replies sarcastically it would make her an evil witch, and then thinks it might be fun. Sae starts crying and tells her it really isn't the thing to do (and something else I forgot ^^;). They part, and Akane goes to her apartment and takes a shower. She comes out in a bathrobe and starts listening to music. She hears something outside her window and sees the Tsurinage pass by. Then there's an explosian and they destroy part of her room. She gets creeped out and runs out of her apartment/the apartment building as fast as possible.

Outside Minawa and the cameraman are in the car and she gets in. As they're driving the Tsurinage disitegrates the car. Akane gets up and holds up her wand and tries to get rid of it. Minawa picks her up in the middle and yells at her and she drops the wand in surprise. She starts yelling at him calling him a pervert and the Tsurinage reaches out with it's tentacle things and grabs her. As it starts floating upward with her tied to it like a cross Minawa grabs on and tries to clib up but isn't strong enough. The wind gets stronger and he falls.

Takeo-tachi come flying by on a broom and try to destroy it. The Robot that had grabbed Akane lets go for some reason and Takeo-tachi end up falling [I forgot this part, assistance please? ^^;]. As they're all falling Sae is thinking about how she wishes she could save everybody, and she repeats this in her mind over and over again. Suddenly Akane grows wings and catches them so they all float to the ground gently. She thanks Ayanojou and he replies she shouldn't thank him.

Sae meanwhile wonders who saved her. Was it her, was it Akane, or was it Jeff-kun?

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